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Enterovirus Research Group

2019年02月25日 Source:


The research group is dedicated to the research on hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) animal models, including the establishment of EV71、CA16、CA10、CA6 infected mouse models, and the  expansion of HFMD models application in the fields of antibody technology and drug therapy. Genetic Diversity mice are also applied to inspect the HFMD pathogens pathogenicity-related genes, which further enrich the resources of HFMD animal models as well. Meanwhile, the research group is committed to establishing new and effective animal models of viral hepatitis, benefitting from the rich and diverse animal resources of the Institute. The animal models under development include HBV-infected transgenic mouse model and WHV-infected woodchuck model, aiming to extend hepatitis models with more applicable value.


Research direction:

Pathogenic biology and comparative medicine of enterovirus and hepatitis virus


Research group member:

Group leader (PI): Liu Jiangning, associate researcher

There are two other staff in the research group.


Main research achievement:

The research group has published several articles in SCI journals, including Antiviral research, Phytomedicine, Vaccine, Virology Journal in recent years.