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Laboratory Animal Resources Research Center

2012年12月13日 Source:

The center has been committed to the research of laboratory animal resources for a long time, and has a mature system of mouse gene editing technology, which can quickly and efficiently establish the gene knockout, conditional knockout, gene knockout and transgenic mouse gene engineering animal model, and carry out the phenotypic analysis and disease research of the animal model based on this. At the same time, the center also focuses on laboratory work on wild animals such as the Bush vole. After years of efforts, nearly 100 SCI papers have been published in recent five years, including journals such as Cell, Nature and Cell Research. CRISPR/ Cas9-based conditional knockout and gene knockout rats were established for the first time in the world, and China's first gene engineering rat resource bank was established.



The center has two research groups: genetic engineering technology research group and labortory animal chemistry research group.



Figure 1 A corner of the laboratory


Figure 2 Model resource generation and supporting publication of papers