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Scientific and Technological Innovation Strategy Research Report of Animal Seed Industry

2020年02月25日 Source:


The "Scientific and Technological Innovation Strategy Research Report of Animal Seed Industry" for the first time incorporates the overall planning of different seed industries such as livestock and poultry, aquatic products, laboratory animals, special economic animals, and service animals into the large animal seed industry system, based on the four levels of seed industry innovation, namely basic Research and discipline construction, cutting-edge R&D and technological innovation, integrated demonstration and transformation of results, organizational form and business model of seed industry innovation, seize the germplasm resources, core populations, breeding and expansion, industrialization demonstration in the seed industry chain, etc. In the key technical links, a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the background, current situation and trends of the animal seed industry in China, and planning of the development priorities for the next 5 to 10 years, in order to provide a reference for the top-level design of scientific and technological innovation in the animal seed industry. The book is divided into three parts: an overall chapter, a topic chapter, and a essay chapter. It integrates scientific, practical, and cutting-edge features. The text is concise, pictures and texts are combined, and it is readable.
The "Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Research Report for Animal Seed Industry" can provide a basis for macro decision-making for relevant national departments, as well as a reference for the future planning of research institutions and related seed industry enterprises, and provide a comprehensive understanding of the current status of scientific and technological innovation in my country’s animal seed industry. An objective and detailed analysis report.